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  • Will I receive a certificate after finishing my courses at Cairo Ad School?
    Yes, after reviewing your final evaluation, Cairo Ad School provides a certificate signed by your mentors and school Board of directors.
  • Does Cairo Ad School guarantee me a job offer after graduation?
    Depends on your work at school, A lot of Advertising agencies contact us to hire from our graduated students, and we only recommend the hard workers who have great portfolios upon graduation, many of our students have already been hired.
  • What is the difference between Cairo Ad School and other Universities & institutes that provide advertising programs?
    Our programs are the only programs that are designed to train students on the common roles and rapidly chascenarios in the advertising industry. It is made for ad people by ad people.
  • Do I study in Arabic or in English?
    Arabic, but some terminologies must be conveyed in English.
  • What are the terms of enrollment? Do I need a previous experience to join?
    Along with the passion for advertising, some of our programs may have special requirements. Below is a list of all terms of enrollment; • Creative Dynamic Diploma: requires an experience in Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign etc…) • Strategic Planning Diploma: requires a degree in Mass-Com or Business or a minimum one year experience in marketing, PR, sales, client services. • Branding Diploma: requires knowledge of use Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign etc…). • AD Film Making Diploma: requires an experience in editing programs (Final Cut, Premiere etc…). • Creative Thinking Techniques Course: None. • Creative Copywriting Course: None. • Strategic Thinking Course: None. • Art Direction: requires a minimum 2 years experience as Graphic designer, or completion of Design course. • Storytelling: None. • Medium Innovation: previous course completion from Cairo Ad School • Ad Photography: None.
  • What are the Educational programs at Cairo Ad School?
    Navigate to our Programs menue in the home page to find all programs. You can download the catalog and details for each program.
  • How can I join Cairo Ad School?
    After you decide upon the program you want to join, fill-in the online application and the administration office will contact you, once they receive it, to assist you with the following steps.
  • What is the duration of my study?
    • Creative Dynamic Diploma 6 Months (6 courses: 2 classes per week) • Strategic Planning Diploma 6 Months (6 courses: 2 classes per week) • Branding Diploma 6 Months (6 courses: 2 classes per week) • AD Film Making Diploma 6 Months (6 courses: 2 classes per week) • Courses 5 weeks (1 classes per week )
  • Are the classes scheduled during the morning or evening?
    Cairo Ad School is a night school. All the classes taking place on weekdays are from 6:00 PM till 9:00 PM, on Saturdays from 12:00 PM till 9:00 PM.
  • How can I choose the suitable program for me?
    You can contact us during our office hours, and we will gladly discuss your objectives in order to recommend the best program for you. Working hours; 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM / T.: 01211100040 - 01211100050
  • Am I obliged to pay the full tuition fees in advance?
    School tuition fees are expected to be paid in advance. And we offer installments payment method for Diploma students.
  • What is the background of Cairo Ad School Mentors?
    All of our Mentors are professionals in the advertising field, they are the creators of those memorable ads you always loved.
  • Is there a minimum or a maximum age to join Cairo Ad School?
    We don’t require a maximum age. However, you have to be at least a university undergraduate with the passion for the ads industry, suitable background and the desire to work in the field to be able to fit in.



Saturday. through Wednesday 

10:00 AM - 5:00 PM


+2 012 111 00040

+2 012 111 00050



318 North Chouifat, 5th settlement

New Cairo - Egypt




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